What’s an autodidact?
A self-taught person.
Are you autodidact?
No, not really. But I am trying to self-teach myself a few things.
How is this newsletter different from an email from you?
I’m not sure yet, that’s the first thing I’m trying to learn. A few more embedded links, a slightly different tone, a more general audience. But hopefully it’s not all that different, really.
What can I expect to read?
I once joked my newsletter would consist solely of a link to this horoscope column, once a month, as soon as it’s published. So, that, and then more links and articles I find bouncing around the internet; and thoughts and words bouncing around my head.
Why should I subscribe?
If you want to hear me ramble on about what I’m learning, reading, doing, etc. every once in a while.
Should I subscribe even if I don’t know you personally?
I mean… I guess, if you want to. Might be a bit awkward for us both at first but I think we can get over that.

Subscribe to Autodidact
a self-learner trying to self-teach